poniedziałek, 24 grudnia 2012

Lunik IX

Na stronie Tomasza Tomaszewskiego znalazłem linka do pisma www.lifeforcemagazine.com, a tam znowuż świetny fotoreportaż Michaela Biacha o dzieciach z osiedla Lunik IX w Koszycach na Słowacji, które zamieszkiwane jest przez Romów. Materiał jest wstrząsający i pomyślałem sobie, że warto go oglądnąć właśnie dzisiaj, gdy tzw. mainstreamowe media (tak je ochrzcili prawicowcy) odmieniają słowo ŚWIĘTA przez wszystkie przypadki, a media prawicowe w niczym im na tym polu nie ustępują, dokładając jeszcze deklinację słowa... ZAMACH.


Sam autor na swojej stronie opisuje ten projekt tak:

The Kids from Lunik IX

Lunik IX is an apartment complex in the southwestern suburbs of Košice, Slovakia. Originally built as home for middle-class families with a capacity of 2,500 people, the Slovakian government started to resettle thousands of Slovakian people affiliated to the Roma minority in the 1990′s. Today Lunik IX is home to an estimated 8,000 Roma making it the largest Roma community within Slovakia.

Over the years Lunik IX  has evolved into an urban slum. The unemployment rate is nearly 100% meaning inhabitants aren’t able to pay their water, gas or electricity bills. The waste disposal isn’t working, inhabitants constantly throw their rubbish right out of their windows. Everything that isn’t nailed down has been stolen and resold. Several buildings are in an unacceptable condition, at least one complex is at risk to collapse. The toxic standard of the waste disposal has reached a dangerous level, even starting to harm the town’s ground water. Only during certain hours each day people are supplied with freshwater.
The children from Lunik IX are the first who suffer from these horrible conditions and they should be the last to blame for their situation. Lunik IX is overcrowded, more and more flats become uninhabitable and winters are long and cold. Open fires inside the flats, rat plagues, diseases, malnutrition and bad hygiene standards are among the fatal things threatening the children in Lunik IX.